So 2019 is gone. It's over. But it sure was a great year! I thought that I would highlight a couple of fun things that happened each month in 2019. Enjoy!
We take a trip every year to Cambria with our grandparents. We did it again this year and it was so so so much fun!
My brother turned 10!! I love him so so much; he is the best brother in the world. (You couldn't ask for a better brother).
We take a trip every year to Cambria with our grandparents. We did it again this year and it was so so so much fun!
My brother turned 10!! I love him so so much; he is the best brother in the world. (You couldn't ask for a better brother).
Also in February, for my brother's birthday we went to the snow! It was amazing. We don't get snow where we used to live so that was really fun.
In March we went on some hikes in the hills where we live. They were super pretty! This was also the month that we found out that we were moving to Africa!!
My sister and I turned thirteen! We had such a fun birthday with our friends and family!
Our mom also had a birthday blessing for us with some of the women who are really close friends of Georgia and I, and have been our mentors. We also love all of their kids. :)
My siblings and I got baptized. It was really special to get to do this before we left to move to Africa.
I was a dancer back home, and we did a spring production called Camelot. This was my last show so it was a special one.
Our friends had a goodbye party for us which was one of my most favorite memories of 2019!
June was a big month! My cousin Callahan and her parents surprised us and flew down from Pennsylvania to say goodbye.
My dad retired from his job, so we had a retirement party for him.
We flew to Texas!! For a month we went to Onboarding at the ISC (International Support Center). Our good friends who now live in Louisiana came down to visit us.
So what happened in July? The Fourth of July of course!! We had a big party at the ISC in Texas which was super fun!
We also went to..... PARIS!!
We arrived on the ship and had our first sail!!
Our friends on the ship left. They are so awesome and super funny!! Georgia and I had a great time with our friend Sarah watching movies and playing games.
We made many trips to the fabric market and got this really cool African fabric quilt fabric which is super fun!
There was a family on board who we are really close friends with who left because they are going to have a baby. It is really exciting but it meant that they had to leave. Every Sunday we would go out with them to get shawarmas. This was our last Shawarma Sunday.
One word. Christmas. I mean who doesn't love Christmas?! We got to fly home for Christmas which was really special and fun!
Here is us in the airport about to embark on a SUPER long trip home. (30+ hours)
Christmas morning. We always have funnel cakes. Clearly my dad and brother were happy about it!! :)
Our little puppy Joie was there at our grandparents house to surprise us when we flew in!
2020 here we come!!!
Happy New Year everyone!!
Love reading your posts ! Thinking about you all and sending our love!